Game on, tournament mode activated.
Beginners clinic.
Chasing glory, one match at a time.
Finn representing at his match.
Louie, Olivia, Brandon and Emily during a private.
Tuesday tennis clinic.
Nathan and Andrew playing for Milikan High.
Bridgette and Varun on court.
Tennis Promo
Kamila Peralta. Girls 10s Champion. Whittier Narrows Tennis Center. March 2019.
Sebastiano Cressi. Boys 10s Champion. Lakewood Top 16 Round Robin. December 2017.
Eli Hedgpeth. Boys 14s Champion. Lakewood Country Club. July 2017.
Weekend advanced practice. March 2023
Weekday all levels tennis clinic. April 2023.
Saturday Tennis Academy.
Taniya Sunkara. Girls 12s Champion Level 5. Racquet Club of Irvine. Oct 2020.
Savannah Ford. Girls 16s Champion. Seal Beach. February 2020.
Jacob Rha. Boys 14s Champion. Mountainside Racquet Club March Classic. March 2019.
Eli Hedgpeth. Boys 16s Champion. Lakewood Country Club. December 2017.
Sebastiano Cressi. Boys 10s Champion. Lakewood Junior Open. May 2017.
Dinara Peiris. Girls 10s Champion. Lakewood Tennis Center. December 2019.
Aarav Gupta. Boys 12s Champion. Lakewood Country Club. June 2019.
Kyle Chalmers. Boys 18s Champion. Lakewood Country Club. May 2019.
Michael Lim practicing the continental slice backhand.
Mr. Hall of Famer still a champion! 2020.
Eastern Forehand.
Coming up to the net to volley.
Tem getting ready for the shot.
Summer Camp 2021.
Joking around after a long day.
Practicing a two-handed backhand.
Saturday tennis clinic.
Running to catch the ball for a one-handed backhand.